Governs partnerships & close relationships, reflects how you receive love or want to be loved
Represents your perception of beauty and harmony in aesthetic and circumstance

Venus is the morning and evening star*, the first bright object we can see in the sky as the sun sets and the last one that remains before the sun’s light erases all other stars from view in the morning (*not actually a star, Venus is definitely a planet, but that was Venus’ nickname because the ancients didn’t really know the difference between stars and planets other than recognizing that planets ‘wander’ around the sky relative to other stars, while true stars don’t change position relative to each other, they all seem to move across the sky as one because of the Earth’s daily rotation). Venus is the Roman name for the Greek Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. The placement of Venus in your birth chart can reveal how you express and react to love and close relationships (see Mars as well for how love/passion is expressed). Your Venus sign and house can indicate how and where you want to receive love. Venus as goddess of beauty also means that your Venus placement can offer insight into your aesthetic taste and how you perceive beauty and harmony. It is important to remember that there’s more to Venus than just romance, but Venus is one of the first things to look at for a love/relationship chart analysis.