Changes signs roughly every 7-8 years
Represents change, revolution, rebellion, technology, originality
Reflects whether and how you re-invent yourself or adapt to change
Though many people think of Saturn as the only ringed planet in our solar system, Uranus actually has smaller, fainter rings of its own. However the most notable fact about Uranus is that it rotates on its axis perpendicularly to the rest of the planets (picture how a globe spins around a stick that’s straight up-and-down, or at a 23° angle…a true Uranus globe would spin around a stick that comes out sideways, in line with the orbital path it follows around the sun). For that reason, Uranus’ rings go around it from top to bottom, unlike Saturn’s side-to-side rings. This unique trait that only Uranus has makes Uranus the planet associated with change, rebellion, innovation, and the unusual in astrology. Uranus is also the first of the “generational” planets in astrology. This means that because Uranus is so far away from the sun and takes such a long time to complete its orbit (it takes 84 years to go around the sun once, compared to 1 year for Earth), Uranus spends much longer in each sign than the closer planets. Uranus will be in the same sign for about 7 years, so everyone born within a 7-year period will have the same Uranus sign. However, due to the Earth’s rotation every 24 hours, the house Uranus occupies changes every 2 hours and is much more individual in a birth chart. The Uranus sign represents how a group of people may rebel or revolutionize the world, while the house Uranus occupies indicates the area of your life in which you break the mold or express your most original ideas. Uranus traditionally rules Aquarius in astrology, but that may not be the case in your personal chart.